Walk-In Reservations

Mon - Sat: 2:00PM - 6:00PM

Walk-In Reservations

Mon - Sat: 2:00PM - 6:00PM

General Safety Rules

General Safety Rules:

• Dreamland, its members, managers and employees, are not responsible for monitoring the activity of adults and children attending the party. The Party Host(s) shall be responsible for the conduct of their guests, prevent and stop any act which could be hazardous or unsafe. Children must be supervised by an adult.

• To avoid injury, exercise care when on the rental premises.

• Toxic substances, hazardous materials and objects that endanger health and safety are strictly prohibited.

• NO SMOKING and NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES shall be permitted inside or on the premises, including the parking lot, at any time.

• Drugs and alcohol are forbidden on the rental premises. Host(s) and guests who appear intoxicated or impaired will be asked to leave.

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