Walk-In Reservations

Mon - Sat: 2:00PM - 6:00PM

Walk-In Reservations

Mon - Sat: 2:00PM - 6:00PM


Contact Information: Client is required to provide a primary phone number and a secondary phone number in case Dreamland Party Place needs to reach out. Failure to provide information can result in party cancellation and defaulting on deposit amount.

Maximum Number of Guests: 90 children and 90 adults

The number of guests permitted shall not exceed the number stated above unless otherwise approved in writing by Dreamland Management, with a minimum of two (2) days’ notice.

Deposit & Fee Payment Schedule:

• A deposit of $200.00 is required on date the reservation is made. The deposit is non- refundable, regardless of cancellation for any reason including, but not limited to state, county or municipal orders to protect the health and safety of the public.

• 50% of the total rental fee must be paid two (2) months before the party date or the reservation will be CANCELLED.

• The complete balance of the party package must be paid two (2) weeks prior to the party date.


• Requests to reschedule a party must be made with a minimum sixty (60) days advance written notice. The requested reschedule date is subject to availability. Only one (1) rescheduling will be permitted.

• There shall be no refunds in the event of circumstances beyond the control of Dreamland, such as, but not limited to, weather conditions, interruption in utilities, the death or illness of a host or guest.

Additional, Miscellaneous Fees:

• A $30.00 charge will be assessed for any outsourced equipment or services not contracted by Dreamland (e.g., popcorn machine, cotton candy machine, hot dog machine, etc.).

• A $350 charge will be assessed if chairs or tables different than those supplied by Dreamland are used (not to exceed the maximum number of guests stated above). Guest is responsible for removing such tables and chairs, at its own cost and expense, immediately after the party.

• If external decorators are used, set-up is limited to one (1) hour before the scheduled start time of the event. If more time is needed, a charge of $200.00 every extra hour, subject to availability (Monday through Friday, and Sunday only). Extra hours are not available on Saturdays.

• Guests needing additional time for external decoration set up may reserve the party hall for five (5) hours before the event for an additional charge of $450.00 (Monday though through Friday and Sunday); and $750.00 for Saturdays.

Duration of Rental: Four (4) hours, plus one (1) hour pre-party set-up

• Early check-in not allowed without prior approval. Check-out shall be no later than the scheduled end of the party. Dreamland will provide a 15-minute notice as a courtesy before the end of the rental time.

• All party packages are limited in time based on the duration of rental. A $250.00 charge will be applied for every extra hour exceeding the duration of rental. However, Dreamland reserves the right to restrict or deny extra hour(s) based on its schedule and/or lack of availability.

Use of Rental Property:

All items supplied in the rental are for guest pleasure and use. Dreamland property may not be removed. Any vandalism or criminal act on the premises or within the rental’s proximity will be the customer’s sole responsibility and Dreamland expressly disclaims any liability therefrom.

General Safety Rules:

• Dreamland, its members, managers and employees, are not responsible for monitoring the activity of adults and children attending the party. The Party Host(s) shall be responsible for the conduct of their guests, prevent and stop any act which could be hazardous or unsafe. Children must be supervised by an adult.

• To avoid injury, exercise care when on the rental premises.

• Toxic substances, hazardous materials and objects that endanger health and safety are strictly prohibited.

• NO SMOKING and NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES shall be permitted inside or on the premises, including the parking lot, at any time.

• Drugs and alcohol are forbidden on the rental premises. Host(s) and guests who appear intoxicated or impaired will be asked to leave.

Piñata Responsibility & Safety

• Dreamland will not provide a stick for the piñata. The party host is responsible for a piñata stick that is durable and will not break.

• Only children between the ages of 1-12 years old may participate in striking the piñata. Adults may not strike the piñata.

• Children and adults must maintain a safe distance from the child striking the piñata.

• No running or playing in the vicinity of the piñata breaking activity.

• Whether the host uses the staff or an external entertainment group to conduct the pinata breaking activity, such staff must provide the stick to the child taking his/her turn, then take it away from that child when his/her turn is over.

• Each child must wait his/her turn until the show staff member indicates it the child's turn to strike the piñata.

• The piñata shall not be stuffed with candy or any other items that may attract children to get near the piñata when it is broken.

Stage Safety & Responsibility

• The stage is primarily intended for specially contracted performers, hosts and DJs and occasional announcements to guests. Guests are strictly responsible for the safety of any children who access the stage for any reason.

Train Safety

• The use of the train is limited strictly to children ages 1 through 8 only. No adults may ride or accompany children riding the train.

Miscellaneous Rules

• External decorators must be present ten (10) minutes before the end of the event to begin to retrieve their decorations.

• Dreamland will not assist with external decorations, inflate or pop balloons, nor will Dreamland use, move or monitor outsourced equipment.

• The use of tape, staples or attaching any decorations or balloons to the walls, floors, ceiling, and doors is strictly prohibited.

• Any external entertainment shows/performers must have their own sound and lighting equipment. The use of soap bubbles, pyrotechnics, water, and bouncers are strictly prohibited.

• Music and lights of any entertainment must be turned off 10 minutes before the end of the party.

• Only external photographers or videographers contracted by the Host will be permitted; outside photographers/videographers soliciting services during the party are strictly prohibited.

• Glass containers are strictly prohibited unless provided by an outside caterer who shall be responsible for breakage and clean up.

• Dreamland is not responsible for food or beverages for the party. All food brought to the premises must be fully prepared; cooking inside the premises, including the parking lot, is prohibited. No gas or grilling equipment is permitted.

• Dreamland is not responsible for personal items which are forgotten, lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Please be certain to take all personal belongings at the end of the party.

Inspections/Compliance with Terms

Management reserves the right to make periodic inspections of the rental to verify compliance with all terms and conditions. If, upon inspection of the rental, Dreamland, in its sole discretion, determines that the Host(s) and/or Guest(s)have violated any term or condition of this Agreement, Dreamland reserves the right to require any or all persons in the rental party to vacate the premises. Any time remaining for the hours of the event shall be forfeited and any rental payments shall be nonrefundable.

Disclaimer of Liability & INDEMNITY AGREEMENT:

The host agrees and acknowledges that all persons in the rental party assume all risks associated with occupying and using the Dreamland premises, including the parking lot, and agrees to release and hold harmless Dreamland Children’s Party Place, LLC, its members, managers, officers, employees and agents (the “Releasees”), from any and all claims or suits of any nature. Further, the party host agrees to defend and indemnify Releasees from and against any and all direct and third-party claims, demands, suits, judgments, settlements and costs, including attorney’s fees, irrespective of the alleged sole, joint or concurrent negligence or other fault of Releasees, or any one of them, or any combination of them, as a result of any act, occurrence, injuries or damages arising out of the use of, or presence on, the premises.

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